Proposed short-block games

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This page is for games that are on offer for the next short block. The Proposed Long Block games are on a separate page. If ideas in here sound interesting to you, please contact the GM in question.

These are the proposed short block games for Block 3: 10 September 2024 – 24 September 2024. Because many short-block games are organised ad hoc on the night, this is necessarily incomplete.

Week 1

(Including pitches for the next long block.)

The Rune Thief (Continued from previous short block)

Something terrible is about to subvert the order of things in Midgardr, threatening the true foundations of reality and knowledge.

Dare you face the Rune Thief?

  • Proposed by: Dev D
  • System: Dungeons & Dragons — 5th Edition
  • Players: 3-7
  • Location: Club Venue
  • Weeks: 1-3

Week 1: Frozen Thief

The Hundred Acre Wood

Winnie the Pooh sat at the foot of one of the Six Pines Trees and thought hard. This was worrying, because as a bear of very little brain, he was not used to thinking. But here he was, and now here was Piglet, who was carrying a sword just like Pooh was, scurrying towards him. “Oh Pooh!” Cried Piglet. “Something strange has happened!” “It has,” Pooh agreed as Tigger came bouncing towards him, followed by a very flustered looking Owl. “But I believe I have found a Clue.” He pointed at a piece of paper with writing on, which was lying on the ground. Owl pulled the paper towards him and read it aloud. “Find the others. Then bring everyone to my house. CR.” He read. Pooh nodded. Things were starting to make sense. “We have been given a Very Important Task by Christopher Robin. And we must begin at once.”

This is the introduction to what I hope will eventually be a full Winnie the Pooh themed campaign. Pregen characters will be provided.

  • Proposed by: Sue S
  • System: Pathfinder — 2nd Edition Remaster
  • Players: 4
  • Level: 1
  • Location: Club Venue
  • Weeks: 1-3

Tales from the Wildsea: The Jade Lotus of Brantu

A game of discovery and wonder amidst the brambles of a treetop sea.

You'll play Wildsailors - a motley crew consisting of: "humanity's battered and weathered descendants, brambled cactus-folk gunslingers, silk-covered spider-folk and all manner of stranger things" (to paraphrase the books). Sailing across the lingin tide of the Wildsea, you'll engage in strange ruins, deal with weird creatures and commune with all sorts of diverse cultures. For this adventure, you're all part of a skiff dispatched to the ruins of Brantu to obtain the strange, restorative lotus flowers that bloom within this ruin of the Pre-V. The local town needs it, since there is a strange affliction stalking the windswept streets of the only island in this sea of green for miles around!

This will be a fairly low-stakes drop-in/drop-out game.

About the only thing you'll need is a set of d6s and a willingness to roll with the bramble waves!

  • Proposed by: Alex C
  • System: The Wildsea
  • Players: 2-6
  • Weeks: 1-3
  • Tools used: X-Card

Our Traveling Home

Our Traveling Home is, essentially, Howl's Moving Castle the game.

It's a game about queer romance, found family, and finding healing through belonging. During play, you will tell stories about a collection of oddballs and misfits trying to make their new chosen family work in the face of opposition from the Outside World that is trying to tear them apart. But while the stakes are high, this game will always have a happy ending. The queer romance will resolve happily and everyone in the family will get to have a happily ever after.

It's a GMful game, meaning we're all sharing the traditional roles of GM and player.

  • Proposed by: Neil Smith, GMful
  • System: Our Traveling Home (Firebrands based)
  • Players: 3–4
  • Duration: 3 weeks
  • In person (masks preferred)

Week 2

The Rune Thief (Continued from week 1)

Week 2: Smoke on the Marshes

The Hundred Acre Wood

Continuing from Week 1.

Tales from the Wildsea: The Jade Lotus of Brantu

Continuing from Week 1.

Our Traveling Home

Continuing from Week 1.

Week 3

The Rune Thief (Continued from week 2)

Week 3: The Deadmen's Pact

The Hundred Acre Wood

Continuing from Week 2.

Tales from the Wildsea: The Jade Lotus of Brantu

Continuing from Week 2.

Our Traveling Home

Continuing from Week 2.